Pea & Prosciutto Pasta

When I am feeling down, this is my go to pasta. Its incredibly simple and the prosciutto gives it a nice salty bite without the hassle of having to cook it like you would pancetta.

Pea & Prosciutto Pasta

Ingrediants & Supplies:

1 lb Bowtie Pasta

3/4 cup frozen peas

1 package prosciutto (usually yields 3oz)

1/4 cup heavy whipping cream*

1 Tbsp butter

1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

salt & pepper

1/4 tsp garlic powder (optional)**


Pull out the peas from the freezer to defrost while you cook the pasta.

Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Meanwhile on a cutting board dice the prosciutto. You may have to pull apart the prosciutto because it tends to stick to each other.

Once the pasta is al dente drain and transfer back to its pot. Add the butter. Once the butter has melted add the whipping cream, peas, and prosciutto. Add  a little salt and some pepper to taste. Add the garlic powder. Finally, add the Parmesan cheese and serve.


Cook’s Notes:

*You may omit the whipping cream or use regular milk.

**I sometimes add some garlic powder for some extra flavor to this dish.


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